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Uncovering Red Flags With Social Media Checks

Uncovering Red Flags With Social Media Checks

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Almost everyone has posted something foolish or risky on social media. Hiring managers can retrieve and use this information during the hiring process. However, this opens the door for unconscious or conscious bias to enter the hiring process and derail a fair and unbiased hiring process. This is why using a third-party partner is critical.

Background Checks

Background Checks

While most HR professionals will confirm information on a candidate’s CV or resume through their references, verifying certain details on social media platforms can be difficult. However, that doesn’t mean this information should be ignored. When your company perform social media checks, it can reveal much more than you might expect from a job interview. They can uncover pictures of candidates in compromising situations, comments that show misogyny or other types of bias, and even criminal records that may not appear on their CV or job application. However, It is important to remember that social media background checks should only be conducted with the help of a reputable third party. Conducting these searches in-house increases the risk of unconscious bias from the hiring team and could lead to filtering out the wrong candidates.

Furthermore, it’s essential to understand that there are billions of fake accounts online and using simple search tools such as names, states and ages will not always yield the right results. Inaccurate data might expose your company to claims of discrimination on the basis of legally protected characteristics including age, ethnicity, religion, and gender. By collaborating with a trusted outside organization, you can be certain that each applicant will be evaluated fairly and in accordance with the law.

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Reference Checks

Reference Checks

In addition to confirming key employment and educational information, reference checks can reveal valuable insights into the character and personality of job candidates. By checking social media profiles, employers can verify positive work and personal references and uncover red flags such as inappropriate language, illegal activities and alcohol or drug use. While a reference check can be invaluable, it’s important to note that employers must tread carefully when using social media check services. Some information may be legally or ethically off limits during the hiring process, such as a candidate’s race, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity, among other personal details. Verifying employment dates is an integral part of checking references, as it can serve as an early warning sign of dishonesty on the part of a candidate if, for example, a former employer claims that the candidate worked for them for two years when the candidate’s resume lists only two months. Keep in mind that if a candidate has made their social media profile private, it may be impossible for prospective employers to see any of their information without the applicant’s consent. An employer may still request a candidate’s login information and look at their personal profile if they so want.

Drug Screening

Drug Screening

Drug testing is a popular option for employers to help ensure a safe work environment. It’s often required before a candidate starts a new job in industries such as construction and transportation. It’s also common in other jobs that require heavy machinery or work around dangerous materials to keep workers focused and safe. A urine drug test examines an applicant’s sample to detect the presence of drugs. Most companies use a standard 5-panel test for marijuana, cocaine, opiates, phencyclidine (PCP), and amphetamines. Larger panels can also be used, depending on company needs and the types of drugs most commonly abused in their industry. Employees who abuse prescription drugs can cost a company billions. According to research, they are two to five times more likely than employees who don’t use prescription drugs to take unexcused absences, be late for work, file workers’ compensation claims, and quit or be fired within one year of employment. Employees may resent mandatory or random drug tests, which can be considered an invasion of privacy. It’s important that a company’s reasons for drug testing are carefully communicated to applicants during the hiring process and that they receive informed consent from those who must submit to tests. Also, companies must have a well-established policy on responding to positive test results.

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Criminal Record Checks

Criminal Record Checks

Unlike social media, court records contain the bulk of criminal history and are public, making them easier to search and assess. However, searching for an applicant’s criminal record can be time-consuming and require a trip to a courthouse to access the records system. You may do a fast search of a public database or a more in-depth one of county records. Remember that federal, state, and municipal anti-discrimination laws shield job applicants from prejudice based on protected categories while performing a background check. Social media searches may turn up inappropriate photos of job applicants or remarks on their age, gender, national origin, color, or religion that might influence your hiring decision and violate federal and state law.

It is becoming more usual for social media platforms to be utilized in the pre-employment evaluation process as more applicants depend on these sites to contact with future employers. While most job-seekers are aware that they may be subject to drug and alcohol testing or picture screening, others may not realize that the information posted on their profiles may not be legally evaluated when making a hiring decision. As an added precaution, several jurisdictions have passed legislation making it illegal for prospective employers to check out a candidate’s social media accounts prior to or during the interview process. Only by doing a thorough check of county records can you be confident you are not infringing on someone’s right to privacy.

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