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Top 5 Reasons For Motor Vehicle Accidents In New York

Top 5 Reasons For Motor Vehicle Accidents In New York

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Motor vehicle accidents can be devastating leaving behind a tragedy of destruction in their wake. Victims endure the trauma of physical injury, emotional distress, and mental anguish after an auto accident. Therefore, they often partner with motor vehicle accident lawyers who help them process the experience and recover the financial compensation they rightfully deserve. 

If you or a loved one have been the victim of driver carelessness that resulted in a vehicle accident with serious injuries, partner with experienced motor vehicle accident lawyers today. Here are the top 5 reasons for motor vehicle accidents in New York.

motor vehicle accidents in New York

  • Driver Negligence

Driver negligence is the number 1 cause of traffic accidents in New York and probably nationally. Mobile phone use and fatigue account for the largest number of accidents on state roadways. People are busy and often neglect their own health to accomplish duties. To make matters worse, they attempt to multitask while driving and the results are disastrous. Besides distracted driving, people also tend to drive too fast for conditions, and run traffic lights. 

  • Drunk While Impaired

Driving while impaired includes drunk driving and driving under the influence of drugs. Drugs and alcohol lower inhibitions and impair motor function. Not only do impaired drivers make bad decisions, but they also display careless behavior and a lack of respect for other vehicles on the road. They are slow to react and often cause traffic accidents in even the safest conditions. Drunk and impaired drivers are a danger to everyone on the road. 

  • Inclement Weather

Many accidents on New York roads are caused by inclement weather. Drivers often fail to exercise caution and drive too fast for conditions. Inclement weather, like rain and snow, can also obstruct drivers’ view causing them to miss potholes in the road, traffic signs, or even traffic lights. It can also make the roads too slick to stop fast or leave pooling water on the road that causes cars to hydroplane. Drivers are still required to drive safely and are responsible for their actions even in inclement weather.

  • Vehicle Malfunction

Drivers are legally responsible for the condition of their cars when they get on the road. Bald tires, broken headlights, and bad brakes cause a lot of accidents because the car doesn’t function properly. Plenty of accidents happen without the help of a car that won’t stop when you step on the brakes. Sometimes even auto manufacturers are responsible for malfunctions that threaten lives. 

  • Road Defects or Improper Design

Road design and maintenance, or lack thereof, can contribute to nearly 20 percent of all serious vehicle accidents annually. Improperly designed ramps or curves, missing traffic lights, and even large potholes cause serious car crashes every day. These are unfortunate accidents that should never happen, and the responsible party needs to be held accountable.

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Partner with Skilled Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers Today

Partner with Skilled Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers Today

If you or a loved one have suffered serious injuries due to a traffic accident caused by someone else, you should partner with skilled motor vehicle accident lawyers today. Experienced attorneys can help you hold the responsible party accountable for their actions. They can also preserve your rights as they help you navigate the complexities of the legal system and recover the financial compensation you deserve. You don’t have to go through this alone, so don’t wait. Partner with the best motor vehicle accident lawyers you can find today.

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