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Physiotherapy at the Glasgow Physio Clinic

The Benefits of Physiotherapy at the Glasgow Physio Clinic

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If you’ve been injured in sports or are suffering from neck and shoulder pain, you may be interested in getting treatment from a physiotherapist. The Glasgow Physio Clinic offers a variety of treatment options, including treatments for sports injuries, core strength classes, and stretching. The clinic’s highly trained staff ensures you’re getting the best care possible. Listed below are some of the benefits of using this clinic for your injuries visit this website

Physiotherapy treatment for neck and shoulder pain

The physiotherapists at the Glasgow Physio Clinic specialise in treating a wide range of aches and pains, including colicky babies, rheumatic and reflux symptoms, neck and shoulder pain, and sports injuries. Their expert approach means they can treat any type of pain in any area of the body. TAMARS is one option for treating back pain, and uses advanced technology to target the whole spinal cord.

Physiotherapy management for neck and shoulder pain begins with a thorough assessment of the joints and muscles to determine the cause of pain. They will also assess if the pain has been caused by postural problems, nerve impingement, or muscle strains. If the pain is a result of a traumatic event, manual techniques can be used to relieve pain and restore normal neck motion. Other methods include heat and ice packs and strengthening exercises.

Physiotherapy treatment for foot injuries

Physiotherapy for foot injuries is a common ailment, particularly during sporting activities. The occurrence of foot injuries can be the result of direct trauma, repetitive overuse, or improper foot posture. Physiotherapy for foot injuries will help to reduce pain and speed up the recovery process. The treatment program will focus on the rehabilitation of the foot and ankle, restoring full flexibility, strength, balance, and proprioception.

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Physiotherapy for foot injuries is performed by a Chartered Physiotherapist, Debbie McDougall. Debbie has over 30 years’ experience working in musculoskeletal physiotherapy. She has worked in the public and private sectors in Glasgow, and has her own practice for 22 years. She graduated from the University of Glasgow with a BSc in Physiotherapy in 1991. She also studied acupuncture and pain relief in 1997. She has worked in Occupational Health for three years and in private practice for 22 years.

Physiotherapy treatment for sports injuries

Using state-of-the-art equipment, the physiotherapists at Glasgow Physio Clinic have a proven track record for treating many types of sports injuries. They are chartered and recognized by health insurers. Injuries caused by sport are among the most common types of physical complaints. The clinic also offers home visits to patients who find it difficult to attend a clinic. The physiotherapists are trained to identify the causes of your injury and provide the appropriate treatment

In addition to the treatment of sports injuries, physiotherapists can help you prevent future injuries by focusing on the root causes of your injury. Sports massage, for example, can be beneficial in preventing injuries, while physiotherapists can provide an effective form of relaxation. A Glasgow Physio Clinic sports massage is a great way to improve your body’s overall health and prevent further injury. Johan, a sports therapist based in Glasgow, works closely with the clinic’s medical team to provide the best possible physiotherapy for sports injuries.

Sports injury rehabilitation classes at Glasgow Physio Clinic

Sport injury rehabilitation classes at Glasgow Physio Clinic are available to people who have sustained an injury due to a physical activity. These sessions are tailored to meet your needs and provide a personalized treatment regime. The highly skilled staff are experienced in a variety of sports and injuries and can treat injuries that are not necessarily a result of an accident. For instance, they have experience in helping professional athletes and have worked with some of the top athletes in Scotland and the world.

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The course includes lectures and practical sessions taught at the University Campus and the Sports Medicine Centre at Hampden Park. It aims to improve background knowledge and clinical examination skills. The teaching sessions are shared with medical students from the fourth year of their intercalating course. To qualify for the course, individuals must be a registered and qualified health care professional. The focus of these courses is prevention and rehabilitation of sports injuries. You will need to complete 75% of the course components in order to be awarded a degree.

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