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The basic characteristics of this type of credit are the following:

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Term: very long term

  • Destination: specific
  • Guarantee: immovable property

Note: We recommend you visit our mortgage simulator to find out which mortgage loan would best suit your personal and economic situation. In less than a minute you will know the best mortgage loans that are being granted in Mexico, as well as their main characteristics, among which we find the CAT, the interest rate, the commissions, etc.

Requirements to access the Mortgage Credit

Among the requirements that financial institutions most often request are:

  • Be over 25 years old
  • Pay off the mortgage 당일대출 before turning 85
  • Have a good credit history
  • Check a minimum length of employment (depends on the value of the home to be acquired)
  • proof of income
  • Valid proof of address.

Note:  We recommend you visit our  mortgage simulator  to find out which mortgage loan would best suit your personal and economic situation. In less than a minute you will know the best mortgage loans that are being granted in Mexico, as well as their main characteristics, among which we find the CAT, the interest rate, the commissions, etc.

Do you need financing?

Make calculations with our mortgage simulator and find out your possibilities for a house.Where is the property located?

Commercial Credits

Loans oriented towards SMEs or companies are called productive loans, by which companies are financed and funded for a specific purpose, for example, purchase of raw materials or expansion of a manufacturing plant. pocuki


In other words, they are credits oriented to satisfy the needs of Working Capital, acquisition of goods, payment of services oriented to the operation of the same or to refinance liabilities with other institutions and suppliers.

  • The basic characteristics of commercial credits are the following:
  • Term: medium to long term
  • Destination: specific
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Guarantee: diverse, it can be the sales of the company or the machinery that is purchased.

  • Requirements to access the Business Credit
  • Among the main requirements that can be requested are the following:
  • Being between 25 and 65 years old
  • Submit a joint obligation
  • Proof of address of the applicant and the joint and several obligor
  • Age of the address not less than 2 years and that of the business between 3 and 4 years
  • Complete the application before the entity
  • Have a minimum affiliation of 2 years to the Federal Taxpayer Registry

Present the accounting information of the company in order, with positive results in the previous 2 or 3 years

If they are a moral person: present the Constitutive Act, and the legal powers that give the representative to request the business credit livescore mobi


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