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Top Best social media platforms to use in 2022

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You may be thinking “why are you talking about social media in 2021 when it’s 2020?” Well, to provide a look into the future for your blogging needs.

I have compiled some of the top social media apps that will be used in 2021 and where we can expect them to go from here. If you’re trying to figure out which platforms will be most popular, this is a good article for you!


This app allows users to broadcast live videos on Twitter as well as comment on other users’ broadcasts.


Snapchat is a very popular social media platform where users send pictures or videos that self-destruct after a certain amount of time (1-10 seconds). The “intended viewers” must keep their finger on their screens to view the message.

Fun Fact: In May of 2018, Snapchat created new filters that make you look like a dog, bunny or panda! These are great for any blogger who is trying to increase views on their social media.


Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to upload their photos, videos or live streams. This is a great social media platform for any blogger wanting to share their content with the world. Downloading photos and videos from Instagram is made easy by Imginn.


This app allows users to broadcast live videos of themselves across all platforms, such as Facebook and Snapchat. Twitter has tons of options for different types of posts and has been known to boost viewers on its video services.


WeChat is a social media app that was developed in China. It is the most widely used social media platform in China and has been known to use face recognition technology.

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This app is a site similar to Snapchat but with more aspects to it, such as live streams and short videos.


This app allows users to share their content with the rest of the Reddit community and allows users to publish their posts on other social media platforms.

Facebook Messenger:

Facebook Messenger is a messaging service that you can use in addition to Facebook’s social networking site. It’s a cross-platform app so you can use it on your desktop or your phone. This app provides a number of features that make communication easier, perhaps the most useful one being free and unlimited messages anywhere in the world! You can also send photos with filters and tap into any conversation with just one tap.

Sina Weibo:

Sina Weibo is a Chinese website that can be used to communicate with your friends and family. This social network is based on the microblogging site Twitter, allowing you to create a profile, post updates and photos, and follow other users. If you’re interested in connecting with Chinese people this could be the right place for you.


Skype is another popular messaging service used by plenty of people all over the world. It has both web-based and mobile features so it’s accessible on any device.


QQ is a wonderful chat app allowing you to communicate and make friends with people all over the world. You can swap live messages, photos, and video calls all within this neat program and enjoy group chats with up to 100 people.

Yahoo Messenger:

Everyone was once addicted to Yahoo Messenger; the service is one of the oldest around (it’s older than Facebook itself!). The thing that makes it so great is that it’s free (until you hit a certain limit) and it offers you all the features of any messenger at any time. This means that if you’re in need of some quick text chatting you can use this.

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Telegram is a new messaging app that’s based on an old idea. It is a chat-based system that allows you to send texts, images, and videos to other users. The thing that makes it so great is that it encrypts everything you send so your messages are kept safe.


WeChat is a Chinese social networking site and it actually has more than 650 million users! This messaging service allows you to connect with others in your area and even has video calls, stickers and animated gifs – what more could you ask for?

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