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MD Sahid Hassan Google Scholar - Dream Team Promos

MD Sahid Hassan Google Scholar

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Md Sahid Hassan: A Rising Star in Aerospace Engineering

Have you ever found yourself struggling to design and fabricate materials capable of withstanding extreme temperatures, pressures and stresses for aerospace applications? If that sounds intriguing to you, MD Sahid Hassan google Scholar from University of Texas at El Paso might have just what you’re looking for – his research goals, interests publications awards future plans outlook will all be covered here! In this article. we introduce him as well.

MD Sahid Hassan Google Scholar

Background and education

Md Sahid Hassan from Bangladesh was greatly inspired by the work of his civil engineer father to pursue engineering himself and participate in science fairs and competitions with great dedication. Under their influence he excelled in both academic pursuits as well as actively competing at science competitions throughout his journey in science and engineering. With unwavering devotion he excelled both academically and actively participated in competitions held worldwide.

Since he wanted to learn more, he went to Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) for both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering. There, he learned about engineering mechanics, materials science, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and more. He also did a lot of research on composite materials used for structural applications.

Md Sahid Hassan took a huge step forward when he decided to get a PhD in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at UTEP. He did this because he was passionate about innovation, wanted to improve his skills by learning more, and wanted to work with Dr. Yirong Lin at the Advanced Materials and Additive Manufacturing (AMAM) Laboratory, which is part of the Advanced Materials and Additive Manufacturing Laboratory. He made this decision both for academic reasons and because he was offered full scholarships.

Md Sahid Hassan deserves our full admiration and assistance on his path forward in engineering. His exceptional academic accomplishments and commitment to research show just how passionately he strives for innovation within aerospace and mechanical engineering – something we all can harness by joining him along this journey! With your support on his path forward we can unlock his full potential to revolutionize aeronautical and mechanical engineering through cutting edge approaches and technologies.

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Research goals and interests

Md Sahid Hassan’s research vision is to develop novel materials and technologies that can enhance the performance, reliability, and sustainability of aerospace systems. He aims to address the challenges and demands of the aerospace industry by creating innovative solutions that can improve the efficiency, safety, and durability of aerospace components.

His research interests range from composites, functional materials, sensors, smart materials and additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing), with particular attention paid to how additive manufacturing (also referred to as 3D printing) can create complex geometries with tailored properties and functionalities; using sensors/smart materials embedded into composite structures for self-monitoring/self-healing capabilities is another focus area for him.

Some of his current projects and collaborations with other researchers are:

  • Selective laser sintering of high-temperature thermoset polymer: This project aims to develop a new additive manufacturing process for producing high-temperature thermoset polymer parts that can withstand temperatures above 300°C. The process involves using a laser beam to selectively melt and solidify polymer powder layers to form a 3D part. The project also investigates the effects of thermal post-processing on the mechanical properties and thermal stability of the parts.
  • Additive manufacturing of carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy thermoset: This project aims to improve the thermomechanical properties of carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy thermoset composites by using additive manufacturing. The project involves using direct ink-write printing to deposit epoxy resin mixed with carbon fibers onto a substrate to form a composite part. The project also studies the effects of curing conditions on the microstructure and properties of the composites.
  • Direct ink write printing of a wave propagation sensor: This project aims to create a wave propagation sensor that can measure the stress waves generated by impact events on structures. The project involves using direct ink-write printing to deposit piezoelectric ceramic clay onto a flexible substrate to form a sensor. The project also evaluates the performance and sensitivity of the sensor under different loading conditions.

Publications and Awards

Md Sahid Hassan has published several papers in journals and conferences related to his research topics. Some of his most notable publications are:

  • Hassan MS, Billah KMM, Hall SE, Sepulveda S, Regis JE, Marquez C, Lin Y (2022). Selective laser sintering of high-temperature thermoset polymers Journal of Composites Science, 6(2), 41
  • Chavez LA, Ibave P, Hassan MS, Hall-Sanchez SE, Billah KMM, Leyva A, Lin Y (2022). Low-temperature selective laser sintering 3D printing of PEEK-Nylon blends: Impact of thermal post-processing on mechanical properties and thermal stability Journal of Applied Polymer Science 139(23): 52290
  • Hassan MS, Delgadillo A, Mahmud MS, Munoz J, Zaman S, Gomez SG, Lin Y (2023). Additive Manufacturing of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Thermoset with Improved Thermomechanical Properties Journal of Composites Science 7(4): 171.

The main contributions and findings of his papers are:

  • He developed a new additive manufacturing process for producing high-temperature thermoset polymer parts that can withstand temperatures above 300°C, which is higher than the melting point of most thermoplastics. He also demonstrated that thermal post-processing can improve the mechanical properties and thermal stability of the parts.
  • He improved the thermomechanical properties of PEEK-Nylon blends by using low-temperature selective laser sintering in 3D printing. He also showed that thermal post-processing can enhance the crystallinity and thermal stability of the blends.
  • He improved the thermomechanical properties of carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy thermoset composites by using direct ink-write printing. He also showed that curing conditions can affect the microstructure and properties of the composites.

He has received several awards and recognitions for his research, such as:

  • Best Student Paper Award at the Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials XVI Conference in 2022
  • NASA Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowships in 2021 and 2022
  • UTEP Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Completion Fellowship in 2023

Future Plans and Outlook

Md Sahid Hassan, a Google Scholar, an ambitious Google scholar, plans on graduating with his PhD degree in aerospace and mechanical engineering before the end of 2023. His goal is to work either within academia or industry where his knowledge and abilities can help solve real world issues while furthering science & technology development. Furthermore, Md Sahid Hassan hopes to engage in cutting edge research projects requiring multidisciplinary collaboration & innovation for his PhD dissertation research project.

He remains optimistic in regards to his field, believing composites, functional materials, sensors, smart materials and additive manufacturing have the power to revolutionize the aerospace industry and facilitate more cost-efficient vehicles that provide improved reliability, safety and sustainability – creating sustainable technologies in society as a whole. He hopes his research has an positive influence on society as a whole and environment as a whole.

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He encourages young students who are passionate and curious about aerospace engineering and composites to follow their passion and curiosity by seeking expert knowledge, reading literature, participating in research activities, seeking mentorship or guidance and being innovative and persistent with their efforts. He suggests they learn from professionals by listening, learning from them as much as possible and seeking their assistance whenever needed. He advises young engineers who wish to enter aerospace engineering to always remain open-minded to new opportunities – it might just turn into their next big thing!


In this article, we have introduced you to Md. Sahid Hassan google scholar, a PhD student in aerospace engineering at UTEP. We have discussed his background, education, research goals, interests, publications, awards, future plans, and outlook. He is one of the leading resefieldsrs in the field of composites, functiosensorsterials, sensor, smart materials, and additive manufacturing for aerospace applications. He has published several papers in reputed journals and conferences and received many awards and recognitions for his research. He has a vision to develop novel materials and technologies that can enhance the performance and functionality of aerospace vehicles.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and learned something new about Md Sahid Hassan and his field of study. If you want to know more about him or his research, you can visit his Google Scholar profile or contact him via email at You can also follow him on Twitter or LinkedIn to get updates on his latest activities.

What do you think about Md Sahid Hassan and his research? Do you have any questions or comments for him? Please share your thoughts with us in the comment section below. Thank you for reading!

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