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AC ready for summer

Is your AC ready for summer? How to prep it

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Here are some essential pre-summer season maintenance tips for your AC

We all know not all seasons are similar and we always prepare ourselves before the next season hits. And as such, we must prepare our appliances as well, for the next season. Summer is a season of constant (and extreme) heat and humidity, which means that we may end up using our AC pretty much constant. However, our AC may not be ready for it, as it isn’t used as much during winters in many households. This may make it less effective and inefficent over time, and so, one must prepare it accordingly.

Why should I maintain my AC?

Maintaining your AC is important because it ensures you have more peace of mind. Consistency in servicing your AC ensures you have better air quality, effective cooling, and reduced energy consumption, which helps you avoid high electricity bills. Lastly, it also ensures your AC has a long lifespan, and you do not need to worry about purchasing new ones frequently. Regular maintenance also helps identify if your AC has any issues, which need to be fixed immediately.

What happens if you don’t service your AC regularly?

Not servicing your air conditioner regularly can cause:

  • Accumulation of dust, debris, clogged air filters and reduced air flow
  • Increased energy consumption and high bills
  • Compressor failure or fan motor breakdown
  • Refrigerant leaks
  • Mold resulting in polluted air supply
  • Poor air quality

What happens to a neglected ACs during summers?

There is a huge difference in climates between winters and summers. And if ACs aren’t maintained, they could develop several issues. These are:

  • Reduced cooling capacity:
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During winters, ACs aren’t used much, which may lead to dust being collected in the filters, fans, etc. It results in slower cooling, polluted air, and more.

  • Overheating:

Your AC will start heating quickly because it needs to be in the right position to function and throw all the hot air into the room outside.

  • Poor evaporator coils:

Coils help the AC to cool efficiently and if they’re not in the right shape, it can cause issues with the refrigerant, which in turn will lead to issues in cooling.

  • Breakdowns:

Your AC won’t work properly, and it will constantly break down, resulting in hefty utility bills.

How to take care of your AC right for the summer?

Here are some tips to take the right care of your AC.

  • Replace air filters:

An air filter is the most important component of an AC. You need to clean and replace them regularly. If the air filters do not work properly, this will reuslt in reduced cooling as well as polluted air full of dust, pollen, and other bacteria.

  • Clean the outdoor unit:

The outdoor unit throws all the hot air from indoors to the outdoors, so you need to make sure it remains clean. Remove debris or dirt around the unit to ensure proper airflow.

  • Ductwork:

Ductwork carries the air from the outdoors to indoors, so make sure to look for leakages, cracks or any damage to the ductwork, or you will have air loss and there won’t be enough air supply.

  • Servicing:
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Call professional help to inspect your air conditioner and look for damage that can lead to a breakdown, to take care of any issues it may have at the right time.

In conclusion, take care of your AC at the right time. Otherwise, you may be forced to replace integral components of your system, resulting in higher utility bills and reduced efficiency. So, make sure to maintain your AC and do proper servicing at least twice a year. Including all types of ACs, including split, portable, inverter, and window ACs, whether it is a Voltas air conditioner or O General air conditioners.

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