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How to Recognize Bipolar Disorder and What to Do About It

How to Recognize Bipolar Disorder and What to Do About It

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Manic or depressive episodes can occur in people with bipolar disorder. These moods often cause a person to behave unusually, leading to financial, legal, or relationship problems.

These extreme moods may also cause hallucinations or delusions. During a manic episode, for example, a person might believe they are famous or have special powers.

Feelings of euphoria

Euphoria is a feeling of extreme happiness, well-being, or optimism. It can be a normal reaction to happy events or a symptom of some mental health conditions and substance abuse.

Euphoric feelings are also symptoms of bipolar disorder. During a manic episode, you might have a lot of energy, feel elated, and make reckless decisions.

It might include impulsive behavior, such as quitting your job or charging large amounts on credit cards. It can also cause you to have hallucinations and delusions.

Feelings of hopelessness

Getting help immediately is crucial if you’re having suicidal thoughts. You can call 911 or Lifeline for assistance. Someone is available to speak with you anytime, day or night. Individuals with bipolar disorder may feel extremely low and hopeless during mood episodes. They may also feel agitated and restless. They may believe things that seem irrational to others (delusions). That can make it challenging to keep a job and stay in relationships. It can also lead to depression. Mood changes can also interfere with appetite and sleep patterns.

Feelings of worthlessness

If you have bipolar disorder, sticking with your treatment plan is essential. It includes taking your medicine (it can take 4 to 6 weeks to work), eating well, sleeping enough, reducing alcohol or drug use, and going to therapy.

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Your doctor may refer you to your local NHS community mental health team if you’re having severe depression or an episode of mania. You can help yourself by keeping a mood diary and a scale to track your symptoms. It might also be helpful to join a support group.

Feelings of guilt

Feelings of guilt are often present among those living with bipolar disorder. They can come as the result of mistakes made or intentional acts done, making it hard to let go.

Guilt complexes can have lasting negative consequences for self-esteem and relationships. A vicious cycle may form, compromising both.

But there are ways to overcome feelings of guilt. Practice self-compassion and positive reflection to break free of this vicious cycle; seek professional therapy treatment from qualified therapists as needed.

Gone with the Wind’s latest issue takes an interesting twist, exploring guilt as an indicator of bipolar disorder and its symptoms. Guilt may stem from any number of sources, including childhood experiences or abuse or neglect from someone close.

Instead of shame, guilt often drives individuals to act to repair the harm caused by themselves and others—this form of prosocial guilt

If someone in your circle of care is having difficulty managing their emotions, encourage them to seek assistance. Discuss the matter during a peaceful dialogue to begin exploring it together.

Feelings of anger

People with bipolar disorder can feel furious and irritable. Their irritability can turn into a rage if left untreated.

It can be challenging for family members to comprehend that their excessive rage is not directed at them. However, distinguishing mood shifts from appropriate emotional responses is critical to helping someone with bipolar disorder cope.

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Encourage your loved one to take their medication. Also, ensure they have a support system and join a bipolar disorder group. It is a great way to meet others dealing with the same issues.

Feelings of restlessness

Bipolar disorder patients experience extreme mood changes that can last days, weeks, or even months and cause serious disruption in daily activities. At other times, bipolar patients will have periods of happiness called euthymia that make life much simpler for them.

People suffering from severe manic episodes may develop psychosis, including hallucinations and delusions that could become dangerous to themselves as well as others.

Help from a physician or mental health provider for these symptoms is absolutely crucial. A professional can offer a diagnosis and suggest treatment plans tailored specifically for you to address the problem effectively while simultaneously teaching about potential warning indicators and the steps needed to mitigate their occurrence.

Feelings of anxiety

Bipolar disorder causes cycles of highs and lows that disrupt sleep, energy levels, activity levels, judgment, and behavior. People may act in unexpected ways during these episodes, which may result in dangerous activities like heavy drinking, gambling, or taking illegal substances.

If a person shows signs of depression or mania, call 911 immediately, stay with them until help arrives, and then contact the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 988 (free and available 24/7).

Feelings of irritability

People living with bipolar disorder frequently show initial signs of being irritable. Small annoyances like finding their partner’s socks lying about or waiting for an appointment could prompt a mood shift and make them angry or frustrated, prompting an episode.

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Irritability can occur during both depression and mania episodes; it’s particularly prevalent during manic ones, when hallucinations or delusions may take place. It is essential that anyone feeling regularly irritable visit their healthcare provider; your provider can identify possible sources as well as offer treatments to ease it.

Feelings of loneliness

People who have bipolar disorder go through unique, intense emotional phases that are substantially different from their regular emotions and actions. During these periods, people can engage in behaviors that are likely harmful or undesirable and may also lose touch with reality.

Hypomania, a milder form of manic-like symptoms, occurs in some bipolar illness patients. During this phase, they can function well at work or with friends and family and not realize their feelings are unusual.

Encourage a loved one who exhibits these symptoms to receive a bipolar illness diagnosis and treatment if you notice them. Please encourage them to consult their primary care doctor or a psychiatrist.

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