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Futureproof Your Home

How to Futureproof Your Home

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Your home is your safe space. It’s where you spend quality time – whether that be alone or surrounded by loved ones. It’s where you go to relax at the end of a long, hard day. It’s where you feel comfortable, grounded, and stable. It might also be where you work from. It’s a central part of your life, and it needs to suit how you live.

If you plan on staying put and making it your forever home, you should think about how to futureproof your property. We’ve outlined a few ideas below.


Consider how your needs might change as you get older or if you’ll want to care for your parents once they reach a certain age. Are there modifications you can make with that in mind? For example, you may need to add a ground-floor extension to house your extended family. Smaller tweaks, such as installing an elevated built-in oven, can be hugely beneficial for those with mobility issues.

Smart Tech

Smart devices can run your heating, lighting, security, and entertainment systems. Home automation can make your life easier and bring your home up to date. But you may open yourself up to privacy breaches from third parties when these devices connect via your network. You can try an online VPN service to guard your whole home network.

Energy Efficiency

Gas and electricity bills continue to rise. One way to reduce costs is to improve your home’s energy efficiency. This can incur a significant upfront expense but should prove more cost-effective in the long run. You could consider:

  • Improving your insulation
  • Changing to energy-saving light bulbs
  • Installing underfloor heating
  • Switching to solar panels
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Think about changing your household habits too – washing your clothes on a lower temperature setting, for example.

EV Enabling

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming more popular. Data from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders reveals that registrations of battery EVs in 2023 were up 34.2%. There continues to be a shift away from petrol and diesel models to reduce carbon emissions. You need to ensure your home is properly equipped if you’re to play your part. Getting an EV charging port at your property will mean you’re well set to go green with greater convenience.

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