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How to Clean Tough Stains from Quartz Countertops without Damaging Them

How to Clean Tough Stains from Quartz Countertops without Damaging Them

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Made from a mixture of quartz, granite, marbles, resin, colours, and other solid elemental materials and falling under the category of man-made stones, engineered quartz countertops, unlike some natural stones, are durable and known to last long with the normal level of care and maintenance. While natural quartz is completely non-porous and therefore impervious to liquids and stains, engineered quartz worktops, although prided to be stain resistant, are not stain-proof, and spills and stains from foods, drinks, condensation, and whatnot are bound to be visible.

Usually, a simple cleaning solution dipped in a soft, clean rag is enough to rid your countertops of stains. However, some stains can prove to be quite tough and stubborn, such that prolonged stay on your quartz countertops will depreciate their quality and durability.

But not to worry! We got your insured from such possibilities as we have curated the ultimate tips for fighting tough stains on quartz countertops without causing any damage.

Without further ado:

  1. Soak the stains

Just like soaking stains on regular material like fabrics, soak the stains by applying the cleaning solution or stain remover mix directly on the stained spot on your countertop. Soak for at least 5 minutes and then clean up in a circular motion with a dry cloth. Rinse with clean water to take out soap residue. If the stain remains, then repeat the circular-motioned cleaning process until you see results. Do not forget to mop your countertop properly to prevent water residue and moisture from seeping into the countertops.

  1. Proper maintenance

From using heat pads on quartz kitchen countertops and cleaning up spills and stains immediately to avoiding the use of abrasive tools on your quartz surface, the best way to get rid of tough stains is by preventing them. Proper maintenance of your quartz surface will not only prevent stains from sticking but also help you enjoy your money’s worth.

  1. Go strong but not harsh

Cleaning solutions for quartz surfaces should be strong when cleaning touch stains but not harsh. Harsh and acidic chemicals and cleaners will cause etching and destroy the lustre of your quartz surface. Usual cleaning solutions are a mix of warm water and mild detergent or shampoo. Where this cannot effectively erase the stain on your worktop, then a stronger mix of water and baking soda will do the trick. However, the baking soda mix should be applied sparingly in small quantities.

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Pro tip: always blot out stains on your quartz worktops using a clean, dry cloth before proper cleaning. This will dull the stain and make it easier for your cleaning agent to penetrate and remove the stain.

Finally, while quartz is a good choice for your countertops, neglect will dull its shine and weaken its durability. Nonetheless, the following three things are all you need to look out for in the best quartz worktops Surrey offers – colour, design, and quality. Now tell us, how do you handle tough stains on your kitchen countertops?

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