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General fundamentals for the administration of sports activities

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In this type of management, two key areas are distinguished in the public and private scenarios: administrative-sports management and sports infrastructure management, but it is not common to talk about the management of sports activities from the administrative and role point of view. of the sports manager. In this regard, there are three elements of sports systems that must be continuously transformed: the assets, made up of practitioners and entities; the structural ones, made up of the facilities and spaces; the organizational ones, composed of the forms of administration and management. In this article, this last element is dealt with, in which the functioning of the manager must be centred, as the coordinating entity of the activities.

Currently, physical trainers and coaches within the framework

of sports activities are involved in the organization of these activities from the administrative point of view, in the various social settings and in facilities for these purposes, but generally, they do not have much time to plan activities in terms of their structure, functions and their development, since they have to undertake tasks typical of a specialist in 스포츠중계 management. In several countries of the world, there are experiences where specialists of this type contribute to the quality of sports activities and the satisfaction of the population. In Spain, for example, they have played a determining role in the development and progress of physical activity and sport (Gomez Attalla, 2012).

The Sports Manager must have an important action

In the institutional and community sphere consisting of the conjugation of policies that guarantee the integrated work between the various organizations of the community (Celia, 2000). In addition, it guides the mission of sports services, in the public and private sectors, defines user service guidelines, establishes strategies for exploiting economic and financial resources for the development of activities, prepares budgets and applies techniques for the promotion of activities, this last function is part of the work in cooperation with other specialists.

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The profile of the sports manager includes coordination

and agreement with organizations that guarantee services and public resources for the development of sports activities, they also intervene, With this type of specialist, the aim is to alleviate the work of those who traditionally carry it out, impart a higher level of organization and effectiveness to sports activities, thus guaranteeing a quality service that meets the public demands of modernity.

    The quality of this type of service is determined by threads such as:

accessibility to the physical-sports activity service; the various interactions of the client and the sports instructor, during the provision of the service, as well as the interactions of the client with the equipment (sports media) and environment of the areas or facilities, among the clients participating in each activity (Diez de Castro, 1997 ).

Based on the above ideas, a sports activity model or matrix is ​​proposed that will serve as a guide for the sports manager; through it, it is hoped to contribute to the work of teachers who instruct this type of specialist.

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