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Eight Marijuana Myths Debunked

Eight Marijuana Myths Debunked

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Marijuana is the third most commonly used drug in the United States, behind alcohol and cigarettes.  ASUS 2-IN-1 Q535 New York legalized marijuana on March 31, 2021, becoming the 16th state in the US. Because several other states have already completely legalized marijuana usage, the number of people who use it is projected to rise.

With that said, we’ll go through some of the most frequent marijuana misconceptions, as indicated on one of the Silverthorne dispensaries. 

Myth #1: Marijuana is a gateway drug

Many people have probably told you that marijuana is a gateway drug. They claim that you will undoubtedly become hooked to other substances once you start using them. However, there is insufficient evidence to backup that allegation.

It is a fallacy that marijuana is a gateway drug. While it is true that most people who use other illicit substances began with marijuana, Therabill login there is no evidence that marijuana is the direct cause of their predisposition to use other drugs. 

Myth #2: Marijuana usage is entirely safe

Many believe that marijuana is far safer than other substances, including alcohol. Marijuana abuse may be deadly, especially for people with health problems.

To some extent, the marijuana heart attack myth is true, although it only occurs when marijuana is used extensively. Marijuana usage is not recommended for people who have cardiac issues. Though it might aid relaxation following medicine, it can induce significant adverse effects when misused.

As much as marijuana affects the heart, the concept that it destroys brain cells is fiction. It is yet to be confirmed via research and study. Picuki  To avoid the health issues outlined above, marijuana should be used in moderation. Too much of anything is terrible, as cliche as it may sound. 

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Myth #3: Marijuana does not cause addiction

Another common misconception regarding marijuana is that it is not addictive. The fact is that every substance might be addictive, but it all depends on the user.

Long-term marijuana usage has been shown to create addiction. Addiction, on the other hand, arises exclusively among frequent users. Furthermore, studies have shown that just 9% of marijuana users become reliant on it. 

Myth #4: Marijuana overdose is unthinkable

There are marijuana misconceptions that claim it is impossible to overdose on marijuana. Overdosing Mangakakalot on anything involves taking or consuming more than is suggested. A marijuana overdose can occur if you take more than the recommended quantity. The consequences can be severe when used over an extended length of time.

It should be noted, however, that everyone reacts differently to marijuana. Some people may have a reduced tolerance for marijuana, making them more vulnerable to an overdose. 

Myth 5: Marijuana Withdrawal Is Impossible

According to a 2020 analysis of observational studies published in the JAMA Network Open, around 47% of those who consistently use or are addicted to marijuana have physical withdrawal symptoms.

Cannabis withdrawal syndrome is a mental health illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The following are the most prevalent symptoms:

  • Anger, irritation, and aggressiveness

  • Anxiety or jitteriness

  • Sleeping problems

  • Appetite or weight changes

  • Feeling agitated

  • Depression

  • Headaches and various types of discomfort

  • Nausea, vomiting, or stomach discomfort

  • Sweating

Myth #6: Marijuana is still as potent today as it was previously

Your uncle, grandfather, and father may have stated that they smoked marijuana in the past and that it was alright. Still, the reality is that marijuana is more potent today than it was during their adolescence. 

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As a result, marijuana myths claiming that marijuana used in the past is still the same as marijuana now are false. Cannabis plant breeding has progressed due to technological and other developments, resulting in various products with increased THC levels.

The good news is that more individuals are aware that marijuana cultivated now is more potent than in previous generations. This provides different reasons for consumers to limit their marijuana consumption.

Myth #7: Marijuana can result in insanity

Marijuana increases the likelihood of experiencing psychotic symptoms such as paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations. Hospitalizations and ER visits for such symptoms are more common in marijuana users, and the danger is dosage-dependent. Furthermore, for persons with a family history of psychosis who are likely to develop psychosis at some time, marijuana accelerates the development of such symptoms by roughly seven years on average.

However, GameDay777 published in 2019 evaluated all of the psychosis literature and concluded that the marijuana-psychosis link is bidirectional. THC exacerbates some psychotic symptoms, while persons with psychotic symptoms are more prone to use marijuana to begin with as a means of coping. 

Myth #8: Inhaling secondhand marijuana is safe

Marijuana smoking harms the human lung, producing persistent bronchitis and cell lining destruction in the significant airways. Secondhand marijuana smoke has many of the same toxins, irritants, and carcinogens as tobacco and wood-burning smoke.

Under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, California added marijuana smoke to the list of substances known to cause cancer and reproductive harm in 2009 (Proposition 65). In marijuana and tobacco smoke, at least 33 distinct compounds containing 65 carcinogens were discovered.

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Infants exposed to secondhand marijuana smoke risk developing sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). 

The Bottom Line 

Marijuana is still one of the most often used recreational substances. Cannabis usage is increasing as states loosen marijuana prohibitions. The issue of marijuana usage remains political, with people on both extremes of the ideological spectrum promoting extreme and unfounded stances. Learning the facts over baseless misconceptions is essential and preventing yourself from the many risks misinformation can bring. Consult with your doctor to ensure that your cannabis experience is safe and worthwhile.

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