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Causes, symptoms, and treatments of hearing loss

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Hearing Loss

When you are completely unable to hear sound in one or both of your ears it is called hearing loss. This hearing loss happens stage by stage. Research shows that almost 25 percent of people between the age of 65 and 74 are suffered from hearing loss. Decreased hearing loss, deafness, and conductive hearing loss are the names of hearing loss. If you are also suffering from problems like hearing loss then you can consult the Best ENT specialist in Lahore.

The outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear are the basic parts of the ear. When sound waves touch the outer ear to the eardrum, the hearing process starts and it is the slim part of skin between your middle and outer ear. The eardrum vibrates when sound waves pass through the eardrum.

The hammer, anvil, and stirrup are the three bones of the middle ear which are called ossicles. As the sound waves move onward to the inner ear the eardrum and the ossicles play a vital role to increase the vibrations.

The sound waves travel through the liquids of the cochlea and a cochlea is a snail-shaped form in the inner ear. Thousands of nerve cells in the shape of hairs are found in the cochlea. The sound wave vibrations convert into electrical signals through these hairs. In this situation, your brain analyzes these electrical signals as sound. Different sound vibrations produce different responses in the little hairs.


Hearing loss can be divided into three main types and each type possesses different aspects. Conductive hearing loss, mixed hearing loss, and sensorineural hearing loss can interfere with your good hearing.

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Conductive Hearing Loss

When the outer ear to the eardrum and the bones of the middle ear prevent the passage of sound waves, conductive hearing loss happens. When this type appears you may have difficulty hearing soft and pleasant voices. This hearing loss is not permanent but can be treated medically.

Antibiotics or surgical interventions such as a cochlear implant are positive choices to treat it.

This small electrical machine is placed behind the ear and your brain can diagnose these sound vibrations into meaningful sounds. Ear infections, allergies, and a buildup of wax in the ear can be the likely result of hearing loss.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

The SNHL appears when the nerve pathways of the brain and the inner ear parts are damaged. This type of hearing loss is more durable than conductive hearing loss. In this situation, specific, normal, and loud sounds seem muted or dim.

SNHL risks may be encountered in the case of the following pieces of information.

  • birth faults that change the form of the ear
  • aging
  • performing around loud noises
  • trauma to the head or crown
  • Meniere’s disorder can influence hearing and balance.


The following infections can also lead to SNHL and damage the nerve of the ear.

  • meningitis
  • mumps
  • measles
  • scarlet fever

Mixed Hearing Loss

Both conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss are the main factors of mixed hearing loss. It damages both the inner and outer ear. The outer ear can not properly transmit sound to the inner ear and the inner ear can not complete the process of transmitting sound to the brain.

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Hearing loss commonly arises over time. In the initial stage, changes can not be noticed in your hearing. However, if you are feeling any of the following symptoms, you should consult your doctor:

  • Interfering with daily activities
  • Hearing falls dangerously and does not go away
  • Complete loss of hearing in one ear
  • Vibration in the ear
  • intense hearing loss
  • Feeling ear distress along with hearing problems
  • headaches
  • numbness
  • feebleness

If you are suffering from headaches, numbness, or weakness along with any of the following, contact a doctor immediately.

  • neck stiffness
  • vomiting
  • colds
  • fast breathing
  • sensitivity to light

Life-threatening conditions may occur by these symptoms for which medical treatment is required.


If you have hearing loss due to earwax build-up, this wax can also be removed at home. We can remove wax from the ear through wax softeners and syringes can also play a vital role to push warm water.

For other complex causes of hearing loss, you should see a doctor immediately. If your hearing problem is due to an infection, you can use antibiotics for the best treatment. Other conductive hearing issues can also create hearing loss. In severe conditions, you can receive a hearing aid from Dr. Zafar Mahmood.

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