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5 Useful Ways In Which We Can Easily Pass A Urine Test 

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5 Useful Ways In Which We Can Easily Pass A Urine Test 

Drug tests are an actual reality for many people in the present times. Regardless of whether you only enjoy ceremonial drug use, a positive test could cost you your job, place of education, or even in some instances, a scholarship you have been looking forward to. Unfair as this may seem, it is the reality of the matter. 

Notwithstanding the reason you may have for trying to pass the drug test, having sufficient information that allows you to prepare yourself for the eventuality of a drug test will do you good in case you need the information in the long run. But before discussing ways in which we can easily pass a drug test, it is vital to discuss drug testing and how the process works for bodily functions. 

Drug Testing 

Due to institutional regulations or state legislation, you might occasionally have to submit to a drug test. Employers can choose various drug testing options depending on the substances they are searching for. Blood testing, hair follicle tests, and urine or urinalysis tests are a few examples of drug tests. The urine test is the most common drug test. 

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How The Urine Test Works 

Urine tests work to identify and detect the presence of toxins in the body. To understand the proper workings of a urine test, you need to comprehend how the kidney undertakes its functions of filtration and detoxifying the body. 

Without getting too technical, this is how the kidneys function. Usually, when a person consumes a drug, the body absorbs it into the bloodstream. The toxins in the drug are subsequently filtered out of the blood by the kidney, stored in the bladder, and excreted as urine. 

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However, the body does not immediately eliminate the toxins through urine. It could still have some remnants. As a result, when the lab examines the urine, it might find any remaining remnants of toxins in the body. To avoid this issue, individuals choose to use different techniques to prevent the detection of toxins in urine as follows: 

  1. Using Synthetic Urine 

If you are skeptical about your chances of passing a drug test, finding synthetic urine retailers nearby could benefit you. Synthetic urine is a chemical solution with the same components as urine and has the same attributes as urine. In simple terms, synthetic urine is urine that scientists and researchers manufacture in a lab, with the same ideal features as urine.  


Synthetic urine is available for purchase in different forms. For instance, you can have the powdered form of the product that can only work when you mix it with water. Alternatively, you can get the product’s liquid form ready for use after purchase. 

  1. Using A Friend’s Urine 

If you have a challenge procuring synthetic urine, you can always go for the natural quick fix of getting a friend to take the test on your behalf. This method works best in instances where the urine test is self-administered. You will need to get a friend who has not used the drugs and present the sample as yours. While doing so may have specific ethical questions attached, the ends may justify the means to pass a urine test effortlessly. 

  1. Detoxification Drinks 
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When in dire need of detoxification for a drug test, taking a detox drink could be beneficial in helping you avoid the repercussions of failing a drug test. Detox drinks allow you to flush out the toxins in the body and clear them out of the system. As such, taking one could help you pass a drug test. 

Detox drinks are, however, not the quick fix many people consider them. Getting a detox drink could help you clear out the toxins in the body. However, the drink would also flush out other substances such as minerals that would ordinarily be present in the urine. Thus, any keen laboratory technician would identify the discrepancy between your urine and that of an ordinary person. 

  1. Natural Detox 

Some organizations give their employees a fair warning before they can test them for any drugs. If this is your case, begin the detox process as soon as you get the notice for testing. The primary way to start detoxification is by halting the use of the drug and taking products such as green and lemon teas, which can help clear toxins from the body. 

  1. Dilution 

If you are pressed with time, not all hope is lost. You can also try diluting your urine by taking as much water as possible before the test. The science behind this technique is that any time you dilute a solution with distilled water, the quantity of the solute in the solvent reduces. You may only find traces of the toxins in the urine after dilution. 

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Parting Shot 


The only accurate way to beat a drug test is not to take drugs. However, if you are here reading this article, the solution you need is more urgent than you had hoped. Hopefully, all these techniques will do the trick for you. 

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