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The First Round Of The Game Is Called “Preflop”.

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Preflop – first round game

It begins with trading, the meaning of which in the rates in the game that all game participants are made in a clockwise direction. They can perform actions such as:

  • Fold / Peace (reset your cards and distribution draw exits);
  • Check (Refusal to bet, but not reset your cards) – it is just the transfer of the game movement;
  • Beth (rate), which Poker Players will have to match, or reset the cards. You can go to Oll-Inn i.e. Put all the remaining chips (money), which the player remains in the distribution before it is completed;
  • Call (Equalization of the rate of the previous player), that is, the bank is sent to the same amount;
  • Violation (collection), which causes the remaining participants of the championship to either match a new rate or increase.

The first trading round is completed after the largest bet of this spread is placed.

The second round of trading is called the Flop.

Flop – second round game

The dealer removes the top card from the deck and folds the 3 card combination onto the table (BORD). According to the rules of Poker in Texas 홀덤총판, the second round of poker begins, sitting from the distribution to the left. If the player executed “Pas”, then the move turns to the next right. The offers are similar to the fact that in the 1st round. Just add the opportunity to do beta (the first rates in this circle) and the check.

The third betting round is called Tern

Turn – Third round game

The distribution spreads from a 4 deck card on the board, after which trading begins. Also, following the rules of Texas Hold’em, placing the fifth, last, card (river).

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Rio – final round game

As a result, each of the tournament participants has 7 cards (2 pockets and 5 common on the table). The player’s task is to put together the best combination.

If two and more cerisers are the card combination in the sample (card maps) in the same way, the player whose card combination includes a kicker (oldest card) wins. Kicker is possible in combinations – Steam, 2 pairs, three (set) or Kara. In other poker combinations, the kicker rule does not apply.

More information card combinations In Poker, read in another article on our site “Card combinations in Poker”.

Texas Hold’em Poker Game Rules – Video:

Learning to play Texas Poker is not that difficult, the game mechanics are quite simple and moreover, it is the easiest and most popular option. Main objective of the game: collect a strong combination of cards and collect the bank.  More difficult for newcomers in the study of nuances, terms, combinations, game equipment, business circles. Often there are a lot of questions: how wins are formed, who makes the first move, how many combinations and what is oldest, how to solve controversial situations, what is a flop, turn and river? And other difficulties In fact, it will be difficult only at first, with each new distribution, the user will more and more recognize the rules of Texas Hold’em, learn to perform all actions “on the machine”.

Each distribution in poker usually lasts no more than five minutes, during this time the players define the winner and have time to make a lot of moves. Within a hand (so differently called a layout), there are the following elements:

  • Collecting winning combinations;
  • Comb trees and bank formation;
  • Defining the winner.
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Such are the main points of a round, inside game session There can be several hundred or even thousands of hands. We will analyze these Poker Texas rules in more detail.


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