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    At present, the behavioral approach has been replaced

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But it is more, as we are going to see, soccer requires knowledge to be able to perceive and interpret the conditions that exist in the environment (teammates, opponent and ball). The lack of knowledge will give players greater uncertainty and they will not be able to act effectively in game situations.

by the so-called cognitive approach, which has meant a change in the conception of training. At first, it begins to be conceived that the result of the training goes to something more than the pure mechanical repetition and automation of gestures, where the most important thing was not to think, but to act, leaving aside cognitive and motivational aspects. On the contrary, this new theory considers the cognitive processes of the student-players during the development of the practice. Thus, in the training processes, the meanings that these have for the players are sought, the perceptions and interpretations that they can make being important. .

    At first, the apprentice is considered as an information processor

And self-regulatory of their motor actions (Ruiz, 1994; Ruiz and Sanchez, 1997). Based on the information perceived and analyzed, the subject plans and makes decisions to carry them out. These issues are of great importance for soccer, we find that soccer is an open and eminently perceptive skill, so it will not be necessary to consider not only the execution mechanism, but also the perception mechanism and the decision mechanism, being the three of great importance for learning and developing the game of soccer.

    Cognitive and constructivist approaches focus on experiential learning,

Which takes place through participatory interaction that occurs in training. Learning must be understood as a process of acquiring knowledge through the transformation of experience. The combination and adjustment between the intention of training, the possibilities of motor development, the willingness to learn, the participatory and continuous action in training experiences, should promote the development of skills and competencies for practice and development in soccer.

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    epl중계 is a very complex sport where the level of uncertainty

is very high (adversaries, teammates, many possibilities for action each…). If, in addition to considering the different events and game situations that occur in its development, it requires that the players must be perceiving and interpreting the environment to be able to decide and execute correctly. Given a certain level of uncertainty due to the variability of situations and actions (dynamic, variable and sometimes unrepeatable), for this the need arises to obtain information from the environment, based on it it is decided: trying to rationalize the participation and the execution will be carried out ( every action in the game is a decision). For which an intelligence is needed to solve the complex situations of the game.

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